About Us
YaYa Daycare Center is a Keystone STARS 4 rating childcare facility, offering years of superior quality and affordable childcare education. Our full-time childcare center delivers first-class care for children to prepare them for their all-important school years ahead.

Children participate in a wide range of group and individual activities intended to build language and reading readiness skills, improving social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth, attitudes and skills that will boost their capability to thrive in school.
YaYa Daycare Center LLC’s mission is to provide high-quality and research-based teaching practices that bridge the educational gap for children ages infant to five years old to ensure their readiness for kindergarten.

Build Trust
We understand that when you decide to share the care of your precious child, you are investing in it. You are trusting that one of your greatest assets is in great hands, and they’ll not just grow in their surroundings but thrive as well.
At YaYa Daycare Center, trust is our trade, and we genuinely believe the setting for success is in our daycare center. Every fundamental your child will learn is taught to prepare them to win in the world and have a blast while doing it.
Our childcare programs are superior-quality and personalized to the interests of the different age range to guarantee every child will be equally engaged and motivated by their resources. We are always going and beyond, but not because we must. It’s because we want to.